Architect: Kohn Peterson Fox
Engineers: Jaros, Baum & Bolles
Water Consultant: Ashokan Water Services
Building Owner/Manager: Related Co.
Conservation Challenge:
Jaros, Baum & Bolles (JB&B), the engineering firm best known for high rise projects including
One World Trade Center and the Bank of China Tower in Hong Kong, designed the 1.3 million
square foot office tower in Hudson Yards to meet LEED Gold Standards and comply with
New York’s new Plumbing Code section 606.7. The plumbing design included 73 water
sub-meters installed for each individual tenant and the water-consuming mechanical
equipment, rooftop irrigation, and cooling towers.
Conservation Solution:
JB&B specified AccuwaterTM to compile the hourly reads obtained from the water sub-meters.
The design included a portal account for each tenant showing their water consumption, and
building management was provided an overview of all tenant portals. Related Co. chose
Ashokan to integrate the sub-meters with the AccuwaterTM software platform, along with
installing a cell-based data transmitter on each sub-meter and creating a portal account for
every tenant, with a view of consumption, tenant billing and real-time alerts of any water
Conservation Impact:
Accuwater’sTM artificial intelligence (AI) tracks water consumption, time of use, and location,
resulting in real-time data accessible to tenants and building management. During the
pandemic, when tenant occupancy was at a record low, numerous leaks were discovered that
would have gone unnoticed for months. AccuwaterTM detected 274 leaks during 2020, typical of a building this size, resulting in tens of thousands of dollars in savings. With real-
time access to water consumption data , conservation goals and financial savings can be achieved.
Installed Products:
Elster evQ4 water meter
Badger High Resolution Encoded (HRE) water meter
Metron Spectrum water meter
AccuwaterTM AWS – AMR – RT transmitter and data logger